One of the rumors spreading on the Dark Web is that there is a security vulnerability in Telegram. Moreover, the Telegram phishing claims contained in the Dark Web ad are also supported by various pieces of evidence. The Dark Web ad is a portal that can be accessed and viewed by everyone, such as Hidden Wiki URL addresses. Recently, an advertisement was published on the Dark Web.
The content of the ad included the limited-time purchase of Telegram user data for $ 20,000. In other words, it is about providing access to Telegram services from the inside. To briefly explain, Telegram firewalls will be removed for the person who made the purchase and full access to user data will be provided.
Is This Claim True?
It is said that the Dark Web advertisement, which is the focus of these claims, was discovered and reported by the SafetyDetectives team. In addition, the continuation of the shares is as follows: The person who buys the offer will not only have remote access to Telegram servers but also will have access to correspondence. For this reason, it is believed that the content in question was published as a result of the betrayal of one of the Telegram employees. If the offer is valid, the personal data of all Telegram users are under threat.
Phishing Alert on Telegram

It is said that Telegram servers were hacked through a hacking method called phishing. The Telegram phishing claims contained in the Dark Web ad are provable. Because the report published by Cofense shows that cyber attacks on Telegram are increasing.
Telegram’s position in Phishing attacks is said to be caused by bots. As everyone who uses Telegram knows, bots increase the user experience thanks to the following features:
- Installation stage guide
- Informing about updates
- Reporting on Telegram logins
Some Trojan attack is being carried out due to the HTML files added to Telegram bots. As is known, users can produce test-style applications using Telegram bots. By abusing this convenience offered to users, it is possible to say that a version has emerged that reprograms Telegram bots to steal data. Telegram phishing claims contained in the Dark Web ad may result in the theft of many users’ data.
How Many Telegram Users’ Data Is at Risk?
The increase in the hacking of Telegram bots reached a rate of 800% in 2022. Therefore, the data of users has been near threatened. As a result of these attacks, the information of civilian citizens may be put up for sale. At the same time, it is also possible that only certain groups are targeted in attacks. Since there is no information about the people who carried out the attacks, we do not have enough data on the purpose of the attack either.
The ad published on the Dark Web contains clues about the purpose of the attack on Telegram data. The personal data contained in Telegram correspondence may be sold or leased to different organizations. Precisely because of these claims, instead of applications such as Telegram, it is expected that there will be an increase in the maintenance of confidential communication from various anonymous areas such as Hidden Wiki Dark Web links.